Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Happy Belated Mother's Day!

I wonder which moms in this country this guy is referring to? Maybe the many moms who go back to school to get better jobs to help support themselves and their families, or the many single moms who have to work to support their children, or the many moms who are part of families in which both spouses have to work to adequately provide for their families. It's interesting how people who like to blame society's problems on women who are educated and who work for a living and have careers like to frame their tirades in a way that makes it seem like working women choose to work solely for their own selfish reasons, even though having the right and choosing to work even though you are a mom rather than a dad is not inherently selfish by any means. And who is out there pointing out all the selfish decisions that dads make? I mean, I'm sure there are men out there who work longer hours than necessary to avoid sharing household and child rearing responsibilities, right. Now, I really don't know if there are that many men who do this and I'm not being critical of a man's right to work outside the home while still being a good father, god forbid! What I'm trying to get at is that, if the people who like to lay the blame for society's problems at the feet of increasingly educated and working women were to acknowledge the majority of women that their tirades actually encompass, we'd have a hell of a lot of angry working moms!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

geez I have little words for that man... Andrea Yates.
LOL! not at all saying what she did was right.. not in the slightest!! I was horrified at what she had done and sickened at that fact of why & how she did it..however.. look at her she was a stay home mom who clearly had a non supportive husband, who I guess did not believe in either self control or birth control after being told his wife was having difficulty dealing with her several children and depression. Gosh had she had a job, even at McDonalds, she would have had an outlet to A-get out of the house, B-be around other people that knew more than the ABC's and C- alittle more self esteem about herself so that she wouldnt have to rely on her husband's $$ and emotional support ( or lack of) and maybe would have stood up for herself and just said NO MORE. heck they lived in a school bus for a short time didnt they?? nuff said.
thanks for reading.. it's just a little ranting for a friend =)