Sunday, May 13, 2007

About me, About the blog

Up until the War in Iraq I was only somewhat interested in politics. I am a middle/working class white girl in a red state who, when I was old enough to vote for the first time, voted for Al Gore in 2000 and who, when registering to vote for my first election, registered as an Independent and told myself and anyone who cared to ask that, although I was registered as an Independent, I would likely always vote for Democrats. I had never paid that much attention to politics but I had paid enough attention to know that I would not want to vote for a Republican. I am now a registered Democrat.

I became somewhat interested in politics after taking a political science course in college and started to pay a lot more attention after 9/11 and especially after Bush declared his pre-emptive war in Iraq. In the past couple of years I have been a regular reader of the wonderful blogs of the Angry Left and have started reading more books and articles from various sources on politics. Thus, I am sort of a novice at sharing my political insights with others and should, therefore, fit right in with the other unhinged and angry folks who rant regularly in their in their pajamas and so piss of the MSM.

When I started thinking about creating my own blog it occurred to me that it would be as much of a learning experience as it would be a chance for me to rant and make fun of conservatives. In light of my recent awakening to the sad plight of America’s political discourse, I started to think about all the other people out there who have gone from being relatively uninterested in politics to being angered and alarmed enough, in however vague a sense, to look around and exclaim, “What the Fuck!” I am convinced that these people are many.

I think it therefore important to encourage other, mostly silent, and, no doubt, bewildered members of the masses to contribute their insights and write about their concerns. Fortunately, I am lucky enough to know many bright, talented and funny people who have a visceral loathing of all things Bush or who are just pissed off at the current state of affairs in America. So, I have asked a few of my friends to contribute to my blog on a somewhat regular basis. Hopefully, you will be able to meet some of my fellow comrades soon.

In the meantime my focus will mainly be on politics with some extra rants thrown in for shits and giggles. I reserve the right to rant at random about whatever strikes me as important, healthcare (torture), economics (twisted conservative fantasy land/the Darwinian economic structure), family/moral values (the Inquisition), foreign policy (Neoconia), the MSM and popular culture (Am I having a bad acid trip?), beer pong, thongs, what I like to read, why I think conservatives have a secret conspiracy to destroy and/or outlaw chocolate, global warming and whatever else I feel like writing about.

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