Thursday, June 14, 2007

Quote of the Day~The Real World is Like Your Worst Junior High Memory

"You’ve been told during your high school years and your college years that you are now about to enter the real world, and you’ve been wondering what it’s like. Let me tell you that the real world is not college. The real world is not high school. The real world, it turns out, is much more like junior high. You are going to encounter, for the rest of your life, the same petty jealousies, the same irrational juvenile behavior, the same uncertainty that you encountered during your adolescent years. That is your burden. We all share it with you. We wish you well."
---Tom Brokaw at Skidmore College

He must be speaking from experience; the mainstream media is the perfect example of this. Even more perfect than the Bush Administration and the Republican Party because they have left Junior High for the Twighlight Zone or, in many cases, a long journey through the nation's legal system followed, in a few cases, by prison.

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