Friday, August 3, 2007

Quote of the Day~Dirty Fucking Masses!

Conservatives rarely show what truly motivates them and their political philosophy as well as they do when you catch them saying what they really think about the dirty, worthless, stupid masses. Sometimes it slips out and it's painfully obvious. Other times it's ever so slightly subtle, but in plain view all the same.

Today's quote of the day comes from Whiskey Fire 's post on the GOP freakout over doing a YouTube Debate, which highlights one rather funny argument in "the intra-wingnut debate over the proposed GOP YouTube debate" from one particular wingnut whose reason for opposing it is that " 'dignity must be maintained.'" To which Whiskey Fire responds:

as regards a diehard GOP apologist these days, is like listening to a guy in a Tijuana circus with 49 daisies up his ass complaining about the deplorable goings-on in the donkey stall next door....One of the enduring problems the GOP has is that their entire "movement" is based upon transparent bullshit. Which is a problem for a bunch of loons obsessed with "dignity." "Respect my dignity," they declaim, while proudly waving their daisies rearward aloft to flutter in the stiffening breeze. It would be funnier were it not so corrosive to Our Republic, etc.

Yes, any time a conservtive starts talking about dignity, you can bet that conservative thinks he/she is smelling the stench from the unwashed masses or the filthy, cheap labor when, in fact, he/she is really smelling his/her own bullshit.


Thers said...

Hey, thanks for the kind words!

Eric said...

There actually a distinction between Republicans and conservatives. There is also the fact that in both groups you will find people who personify the point you so elegantly expressed. However, I know quite a few conservatives and Republicans that come nowhere close to meeting said description. They say,
the squeeky wheel gets the grease, so the loudmouths tend to get selected as the true representation of the philosophy or value of any party.
I choose to focus my attention on the individuals, not lump everyone who has beliefs that a particular group has.
I find people speaking out of both sides of their mouths in both political parties and people who's actions contradict their statements in almost any kind of philosophical group.

shanna said...

Yes, unfortunately, bullshit is an all too common problem anywhere you look--right, left, up, down and sideways. I also think that there is a distinction between traditional Republicans and conservatives. This post is really meant, as many of my posts are, as a comment on the modern conservative movement in American politics v. the average joe who tends to identify as a Republican or who doesn't per se have a strong political affiliation but who may still tend toward the Republican side of the aisle. I would like to discuss the conservative movement in more depth. I have been wanting to write a coulple of posts on the subject but have not gotten around to it yet, although I plan to. Probably one of the best books that I have read on the subject is Conservatives Without Conscience by John Dean who was himself an original Goldwater supporter and movement conservative, as well as White House counsel to Richard Nixon. He identifies himself now as an independent. His book provides an excellent analysis of the conservative movement and how it has come to dominate the Republican party from someone who used to be part of it. Additionally, Dean is probably one of those individuals who, I think, can really claim to wear the Independent label when it comes to discussing and writing about politics and I very much respect his ideas and insights. So, if you find yourself sitting around bored sometime and have a chance, I strongly recommend looking this guy up, especially some reviews on this book. Would love to know what you think. I hope to get around to writing more on this topic soon.