Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Quote of the Day~The Fifth Grade Class at the New York Times

From a post by Scats on a recent Op-Ed in the NY Times entitled "The Road Home" that makes the stunning observation that Bush is absolutely not going to call for or agree to a withdrawal from Iraq:

Now we know the real plan! Now we're all scrubbed and shiny and ready to gradumate to the the fifth fucking grade! Now we know there's a difference between what the Preznit says, and what's in the world outside my cocktail party! And the truth is: he ain't leavin'!Well, you know what that means?

Let's write two whole single-spaced pages on construction paper for our show-and-tell project DEMANDING THAT HE DO WHAT WE'VE JUST REALIZED HE HAS NO INTENTION OF DOING!!!!!

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